Persona template for: The hard working, successful sales manager
Save time and money by starting with this 'The hard working, successful sales manager' persona example. Learn how to make your insurance website easier to use for Chris. By putting the user first (in this case Chris), you will be creating an experience that meets Chris's expectations, supports their goals and remedies any pain points. This persona example could be used for the insurance industry.
Meet 'The hard working, successful sales manager', named Chris
"I always thought work came first, until it hit. Now I just want to be sure my family is secured"
Chris had a sudden heart attack that ended his career for the foreseeable future.
This persona is motivated by his career progression and reputation. This persona is 50, and lives close to the city . Chris is married, has 2 children and is often kept busy with his physical and mental rehabilitation.
People like Chris are comfortable with technology.
He has been a client for 12 years on the investments side but never thought of utilising the insurance help until now.
How Acme Financial can help Chris
Chris has come to Acme Financial because Chris's goal is getting and staying healthy while eventually returning to work. Acme Financial could help Chris with this goal by taking care of setting up their insurance quote so he does not have to stress about it, but one of the reasons why Chris has not yet engaged with Acme Financial is fear of getting locked into something.
Website visit goals for www.acme-finance.com
Learn how to make your website easier to use for 'The hard working, successful sales manager' persona.
'The hard working, successful sales manager' has recently been visiting websites in the insurance sector and has arrived at www.acme-finance.com. Chris has found that most of the websites in the insurance sector have similar messaging and wants to know the main points of difference of Acme Financial.
ImportantWebsite goals | Barriers | How we can help |
comparing the different income issurance packages offered. | difficult to find contact information to receive a quote. | having a simple online tool where users can input general information and get a quote back quickly |
Chris is comfortable with technology.
On an average day, Chris has a moderate amount of spare time.
Chris is not familiar with the industry specific terms that are used in the insurance industry.
Devices that Chris uses to access the Acme Financial website
Chris uses a computer to access the Acme Financial website at work.
Chris uses a tablet to access the Acme Financial website while watching TV with his family.
Chris uses a mobile to access the Acme Financial website when traveling on public transport.

Stats for 'Chris' insert_chart
- Life-stage: recovering from a serious injury/health problem
- Age: 50 years
- Annual income: $101,000 - $200,000
- Internet usage: many times a day
- Social media usage: active
Relationships group
- Marital status: married
- Children: 2
Education/skills school
- Education level: an Undergraduate degree
- Technical level: comfortable
- English level: native
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More persona templates for the Finance industry
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Social media usage for Chris
Of all the time spent on social media on an average day, the distribution of time is as follows: